
Final Blog Post

Takeaways I am going to take away many things from this class, but here are three. 1. Through learning about camera settings in class and learning more through articles I used for my blog posts, my motocross pictures are going to look a lot better. My friends and I often take pictures of each other on race days and on practice days of us doing what we love and I will now be able to take much better pictures of them and be able to share my knowledge with them as well. 2. Through learning about editing in class, I now know how to edit much better compared to before. This will be helpful to take the picture I post on my social media pages to the next level. As a sponsored motocross athlete, I am required make many social media posts related to racing and now my pictures will look way better through the many editing tips I have learned this semester. 3. One of the articles I used for one of my blog posts talked about how to show moods and personality through photography. As a psych...

Final 25

Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/250 Aperture: f5.6 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/1600 Aperture: f5.0 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/1000 Aperture: f5.6 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/400 Aperture: f5.0 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/320 Aperture: f14 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/160 Aperture: f14 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/80 Aperture: f14 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/1600 Aperture: f4.5 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/1600 Aperture: f4.5 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/160 Aperture: f14 ISO: 800 Camera:  Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55 mm Shutter Speed: 1/8...

Telling Moods Through Photography In this article, photographer Antonio Also shares how he uses photography to show his dark moods. As a psychology major this article interests me because it covers how photography can be used to portray moods, personality, and one's psyche. I am particularly interested in personality and would love to bring out my personality in my photos. Aleo does not often photograph during times when the light is the best. He tries to show the darkness of his soul and of his unconscious life with his photos. He tries to capture anchoring elements in chaotic scenes to achieve this. In addition, he tries to capture photos to express the elements of psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression. He tries to instill an unpleasant feeling in his photos abut anxiety. Not all of Aleo's work is about the dark side. He captured one photo in which there was one green tree surrounded by dead trees to signify a hopeful so...

Bermuda Underwater This article interests me because I find underwater photography to be fascinating and Weldon Wade, the photographer this article is about, promotes protecting the oceans through his photography. I believe society needs to do a better job of protecting the oceans, so I think it's awesome that Wade raises awareness for protecting the oceans through something he loves to do. Wade is a free diver, so that allows him to make less noise while diving to not scare off the sea life he captures in many of his photos. In addition to photographing sea life while diving, he also takes photos of shipwrecks that have happened in the past. Some shipwrecks he has photographed are the Hermes  and the Cristobal Colon.  Many types of pictures are posted on his Instagram feed with a goal of making others aware of the beauty of the ocean, whether it be of sea life or debris. Some projects he is currently wor...

Share 2 and Critique #3

Camera: Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55mm ISO: 3200 Shutter Speed: 1/50 Aperture: f18 Camera: Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55mm ISO: 2500 Shutter Speed: 1/25 Aperture: f11

Making One's Nature Photography More Distinguishable This article covers a few strategies to make one's nature photography more distinguishable. This article interests me because I feel that every photographer has a goal of making their photos more distinguished. In addition, the strategies covered are ones I would never think of. The first strategy covered in the article is to focus more on plants because this a less popular area in nature photography. The second strategy covered in the article is to give your photos away for free to help gain publicity. The third strategy covered in the article is to make your photos into content to be used for educational purposes. This should include photos with text. Using photos for educational purposes can be especially effective since there are many schools all over the world. Photos can be used from text books to posters in an educational setting. Although, some photos will pertain to some areas more...

Share 2 and Critique #2

 Camera: Canon EF-S Lens: 18-55mm ISO: 100 Aperture: f5.0 Shutter Speed: 1/500 Camera: Canon EF-S Lens:18-55mm ISO: 125 Aperture: f5.0 Shutter Speed: 1/500